Saturday, January 13, 2007
Monster Monster

Here's two monster tunes to kick start your weekend. First up is Swen Weber and his 'First Stroke' (cue witty masterbation references). This is stadium Techno, bordering on cheese, but the monstrously bouncy synth riff will have dancing round your room like a drug addled maniac. I still haven't quite made up my mind about this record. When I play this I prefer to loop up the middle section and ignore the acid line. Too cheesey? Let me know your thoughts.
John Acquaviva Presents - Swen Weber - First Stroke // Craft Music 12" Buy
Next is a tune that came to my attention through a Nightmoves mix post up by 24:Hours. As well as producing floor shaking tunes, OST & Kjex are a dab hand at coming up with comedy names for their records, just check some of their back catalogue. 'Some, But Not All Cheese, Comes From The Moon', 'How Not To Be A Biscuit' and 'Kjexy Snick Snack'. However 'Shanghai My Chedder' taken from the Carl Craig baiting 'More Songs About Cheese And Revolutionary Tarts EP' has to be one of the funniest. The record itself starts off with dark menacing analogue synth bubbles which climax to reveal a phat ass bassline which will shake any club. It reminds me a lot of Claude Vonstroke's productions.
OST & Kjex - Shanghai My Chedder More Songs About Cheese And Revolutionary Tarts EP // Dialect Recordings
Also check out the superb sky is pink stylings of 'Foodchild' from the same EP. Buy it from Juno
OST & Kjex - Shanghai My Chedder More Songs About Cheese And Revolutionary Tarts EP // Dialect Recordings
Also check out the superb sky is pink stylings of 'Foodchild' from the same EP. Buy it from Juno
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Thanks for the comment Dokter. The private view turned into a mini rave in the basement! It was a great party.
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