Friday, July 28, 2006

Garden Grooves

Given the UK's prolonged heatwave and my time spent basking in the sun is at least partly responsible for me not having done a post for a while I thought I should share some of what I’ve been listening to with you.

Due to the largely techno-based nature of my previous posts, this first track may come as somewhat of a surprise to you given that it loosely comes under the category of ‘world music’. I first came across after enquiring of a DJ in one of my local bars “what’s this mate?” and then later chancing upon a couple of albums at a car boot sale. The track below is definitely my favourite of his but the Clandestino album in particular is well worth a listen on a hot summer’s day.

Manu Chao – Bongo Bong

The next track is one from my usual bag but again taken from an album I found to be equally suited to lounging around in the heat. Despite this coming out a few years back I only actually heard this album in its entirety a few days ago after having picked it up at rock bottom price from one of London’s finest 2nd hand emporiums The album in question is My Way by Akufen, one of the innovators of microsampling and a heavyweight of the glitch scene. You can check out a review of it here

Akufen - Even White Horizons and as you should know by now, I usually like to leave a link to where you can buy the stuff I post but this seems to be out of stock in my usual stores so I suggest you keep your eyes peeled!

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